Photographing animals ethically requires a lot of patience and an understanding of animal behaviour. Rooted in my respect for animals as individuals, I place animal welfare at the heart of my photography.
I believe that each of us are responsible for preventing harm to others, which is why I do not pay for the opportunity to photograph animals, wild or captive. I will never bait, feed, corner or crowd animals for a photo opportunity either. 
I tend to practice in urban and semi-urban areas, where animals are already well accustomed to human presence. This reduces the chance of my presence impacting the subjects of my work. If I spot any sign of disturbance or distress in an animal I leave the area.
I hope that my work can contribute to the understanding that wildlife photography is possible without
harming to wildlife or further damaging fragile ecosystems. 
If you have any questions or concerns about the above please get in touch.

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