The seemingly infinite shots made available by digital cameras had put me off film photography for a very long time. The limits of film demand a more intentional approach allowing me to improve my practice and think differently about my photography. Here, I stray from my usual wildlife focus.
Summer Holiday
A nostalgic summer by the sea
Pentax / 50mm f2 / Kodak Gold 200
Blue and yellow make frequent appearances by the sea. Even the classic cars contribute around here, their striking yellow complimented by the blue skies which lure them out of the garage, evoking a sense of happiness and adventure. 
At the Museum
A quiet afternoon in Canterbury
Pentax / 50mm f2 / Kodak Gold 200
With more free time early in the summer - and museum withdrawal symptoms having recently left my job at the Natural History Museum - I hopped on the bus with a fresh roll of film and visited The Beaney in Canterbury. These are some of my favourite shots, which are dedicated to those former colleagues at the museum where I worked, who generously gifted me the film used for the photos featured here.
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